This post is a memo to me. Do NOT skive off or skip yoga classes henceforth!
I've had a yoga practice of sorts for 8 years now. Starting strongly with loads of enthusiasm and not much strength or flexibility when I was 37. I practised 4-5 times a week for about 18 months. I slowed down when I first got pregnant and then picked up again following a miscarriage. This continued for another couple of years until I finally held on to a pregnancy and started pregnancy yoga and then baby yoga for a bit when my boy finally arrived.
I have intermittently attended classes since his birth. A 6 month-ish stint at early morning Ashtanga practice before I started back to work again. The odd class here and there. But mainly it has been home practice on a fairly erratic basis.
Since the end of summer last year however, we (as a family) have found 3 slots per week for me to attend my classes. This is a big step forward and it means I get access to four and half hours per week of led yoga and a real opportunity to build a significant practice again. I have the chance to progress rather than simply maintain.
Last Saturday however, I found myself reluctant to go. I was too snugly and enjoying being in the house too much. I missed a further session this week again -- though that was largely due to monstrous cramps (or that's what I told myself).
So when I had that feeling again this morning I ignored it and went. I'm so glad. Great practice, great vibe and I got good tips on a new approach to Hare post which usually gives me trouble.
And this is the point - I don't think I've ever had a class where I've not learned something new. It is always worth going - even if I really don't feel like it. I will always be a slightly changed person after.
Thinking back, 8 years ago I couldn't hold a downward facing dog for more than 5 seconds. Nowadays I love this pose and can stay for a long time.
I'm currently struggling with hip openers and spinal twists. It would be good to revisit this page in a year's time and see where I am with it all.
A motivator for Feb 2013.
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